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2/6/24 1PM-  we are calling it a day
@ 1:30 

NO CLASSES this evening
Hopefully we will see you tomorrow!

craftworks logoWhere Creativity Is American Made...

Fiberknotes Notebook

Fiberknotes is designed as a portable (purse-sized) notebook that lays flat and offers three formats to record your thoughts, develop your ideas, and work out your own fabulous designs. 

Intended to be useful for all fiber artists from knitters to weavers, the pages offer grids for color work, knotes pages, and blank pages for sketches and other instructions (with a few sheep in-between). The last section allows you to record patterns, sources, and yardage for the projects on your “to create” list. Comes with a matching book mark to keep your place.


  • 243 W.Main St, Northboro, MA 01532 • (508) 393-9435 •
  • OPEN: Mon-Fri 12-6; Sat & Sun 12-4
  • Knitting, Crochet, Felting  & other Classes are offered 9-12 & 6-8PM to to enable social distancing, 
  • & to give you, our customer, space to take a class or browse comfortably.
  • Online & virtual shopping, shipping & curbside pick-up are available.
  • Can't wait to see you!