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2/6/24 1PM-  we are calling it a day
@ 1:30 

NO CLASSES this evening
Hopefully we will see you tomorrow!

craftworks logoWhere Creativity Is American Made...

2.19.19 -- Does all this snow put you back in the mood to knit, knit, knit (or crochet)?

We have some lovely yarns and great patterns - Leading Men Fiber Arts yarns have been returned however we did keep a lovely selection - so if you missed them - no worries we have some! 

The new March Calendar has been published and full of great classes & workshops ..  starting with our First ever Lock-in/ Potluck!
Friday March 1st 5:30-midnight come join us, door prizes, goodie bags and fun ....  what better way to spend a Friday night than with friends and working on finishing some of those projects that have been bugging you? Register now! Seating is limited.

New yarns that we are expecting soon include Elemental Affects - good basic yarn! 
Technique Tuesdays include Short Rows Feb 26th, Steeking (Cutting your knitting!) March 12th and Review of various Cast-on/ Bind offs March 26th  ....  a great refresher! Check out the rest of the calendar here.


  • 243 W.Main St, Northboro, MA 01532 • (508) 393-9435 •
  • OPEN: Mon-Fri 12-6; Sat & Sun 12-4
  • Knitting, Crochet, Felting  & other Classes are offered 9-12 & 6-8PM to to enable social distancing, 
  • & to give you, our customer, space to take a class or browse comfortably.
  • Online & virtual shopping, shipping & curbside pick-up are available.
  • Can't wait to see you!