Where Creativity Is American Made...
"We can do no great things only small things with great love."
Mother Theresa
We are so thankful to have had Beth & Mary, such dedicated folks to lead this wonderful event, additionally we have had such an awesome core of folks who came to knit & crochet for charity & more folks who worked at home. Our basket and table were overflowing each quarter ... we can't thank you all enough! These donations were and will be greatly appreciated by our community. All donations have been halted due to CoVid-19. Once things open up for donations, we will have quite the stockpile to share!! Thank you for all you are donating & keep creating items I am sure the need will be great once the country opens back up.
Knit One, Crochet Too! Charity Workshop — Q4
First Thursday of every month, 10:00 am to noon
Fall Q4 theme: Cancer Warriors
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Knit One, Crochet Too! Charity Workshop — Q3: July
Summer Q3 theme: Our Neighbors
Knit One, Crochet Too! Charity Workshop — Q2: June
Spring Q2 theme: The Helpers (think the famous Mr. Rogers quote)
Beth’s Hats for Hope
Beth’s sends hats, scarves and mittens during cold weather months to the homeless and working poor in the Worcester area, works with various shelters and agencies to meet specific needs.
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